View our Gateway tutorials here:
How to Create a New Gateway Profile
How to Grant Admin Rights
How to Renew your Facility Permit
***Note: If you are a precursor, create a personal Gateway profile (not a profile for the permit), and email who will grant you admin rights.***
The Alabama Board of Pharmacy issues the following types of business permits. Click on which business pertains to you for more information. Please note that all Alabama Board of Pharmacy permits are operational-specific. Please read the definitions of each facility type before making your selection.
To begin applying:
- Using the link on the ALBOP homepage, create a Gateway profile if you have not already done so. Note this Gateway profile is a personal profile, not a profile for the pharmacy itself. For more instructions on how to do this, please view our “How to Create a New Gateway Profile” video tutorial.
- Log in to your Gateway, click the Applications tab, and select the appropriate new application. You will have 7 days to submit payment and 30 days to upload any required documents.
- Once you receive your approval email, log back in to your Gateway profile to print your permit.
Every facility, except a pharmacy, that prepares, derives, produces, compounds, or packages any drug, medicine, chemical or poison.
Every facility engaged in the business of distributing drugs, to include medical oxygen, for resale to pharmacies, hospitals, practitioners, government agencies or other lawful outlets permitted to sell drugs.
facility that purchases or acquires from a manufacturer or distributor, a drug, chemical, or poison for the purpose of bottling, labeling, or otherwise repackaging for sale or distribution.
(Abbreviated as 3PL, or TPL) An entity that provides or coordinates warehousing or other logistics services of a product in interstate commerce on behalf of a manufacturer or wholesale distributor of a product that neither takes ownership of the product nor has responsibility to direct the sale or disposition of the product.
A firm that does not participate in the manufacturing or processing of a drug but instead markets and distributes under its own trade name and labels a drug product made by someone else. A private label distributor is responsible for the products it introduces into interstate commerce and for compliance with federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requirements and Current Good Manufacturing Practices regulations.
A chemical substance specifically designated as such by the Alabama State Board of Pharmacy that, in addition to legitimate uses, is used in the unlawful manufacture of a controlled substance or controlled substances.
Any person, company, agency, business or entity of any kind which sells or provides medical oxygen directly or Indirectly to patients or consumers and which bill the patient or consumer or their insurance, Medicare, Medicaid or other third-party payor for the sale or providing of medical oxygen must obtain a Retail Medical Oxygen Permit from the Alabama State Board of Pharmacy.
A facility at one geographic location or address that is engaged in the compounding of sterile drugs, which has elected to register with the federal Food and Drug Administration as an outsourcing facility and complies with the requirements of Section 503B(d)(4)(A) of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Designated Representative Registration
Effective January 14, 2024, all designated representatives are required to complete a background check and application to receive a registration number. See Alabama Administrative Code 680-X-2-.23 for all requirements.
To begin a new DR application:
- Using the link on the ALBOP homepage, create a Gateway profile if you have not already done so. Note this Gateway profile is a personal profile, not a profile for the pharmacy itself. For more instructions on how to do this, please view our “How to Create a New Gateway Profile” video tutorial.
- Log in to your Gateway, click the Applications tab, and select “New Designated Representative” application. You will have 7 days to submit payment and 30 days to upload any required documents.
- Once you receive your approval email, log back in to your Gateway profile to print your permit.
- To change a facility’s DR, please email to obtain the required information.
- Update CURRENT Designated Representative Information Form – This form is only used to update information (name, address, email address, etc.) for a DR who has been issued a DR registration number.
Reinstatement/Late Renewal
Retail Medical Oxygen Reinstatement Form—email
For late renewals of all other facilities, email
Managing your Permit in Gateway
***Note: If you are a precursor, create a personal Gateway profile (not a profile for the permit), and email who will grant you admin rights.***
Once logged in to your Gateway, you will be able to:
- Update contact info
- Update employees
- Change name and address
- Add/remove yourself as designated representative
- Print your permit
- Pay fee/fine
Change of Ownership
- Using the link on the ALBOP homepage, create a Gateway profile if you have not already done so. For more instructions on how to do this, please view our “How to Create a New Gateway Profile” video tutorial.
- Log in to your Gateway, click the green Facility tile, and select Manage Owners on the lefthand side. You will have 7 days to submit payment and 30 days to upload any required documents.
- Once you receive your approval email, log back in to your Gateway profile to print your permit.